file …
library …
#include <liblod.h>
Linked Open Data is a method of publishing machine-readable structured data on the web, using resolveable URIs as the means of identifying the entities described and referred to by the data.
liblod is a library for consuming published Linked Open Data, providing a simple interface for resolving a URI and interrogating the data which is retrieved.
liblod provides the public interfaces listed below.
Function | Description |
lod_create | Create a new context |
lod_resolve | Attempt to resolve a Linked Open Data URI |
lod_locate | Locate triples about a subject already present in a context's model |
lod_fetch | Resolve a Linked Open Data URI, fetching the data irrespective of whether the subject exists in the context's model |
lod_destroy | Destroy a previously-created context |
lod_world | Obtain the librdf world used by a context |
lod_set_world | Set the librdf world used by a context |
lod_storage | Obtain the librdf storage used by a context |
lod_set_storage | Set the librdf storage used by a context |
lod_model | Obtain the librdf model used by a context |
lod_set_model | Set the librdf model used by a context |
lod_curl | Obtain the libcurl handle used by a context |
lod_set_curl | Set the libcurl handle used by a context |
lod_subject | Retrieve the most recently-resolved subject URI |
lod_document | Retrieve the URL of the most recently parsed document |
lod_status | Obtain the HTTP status of the most recent request |
lod_error | Determine whether an error has occurred |
lod_errmsg | Obtain a description of a context's error condition |
lod_librdf_logger | Default logging function for librdf world objects. |
lod_useragent | Obtain the User-Agent HTTP header string for a context |
lod_accept | Obtain the Accept HTTP header string for a context |
lod_instance_destroy | Free resources allocated to an instance |
lod_instance_stream | Obtain a librdf stream for an instance |
lod_instance_uri | Obtain a librdf URI for an instance |
lod_instance_exists | Determine whether the subject of an instance exists within the context's model |
lod_instance_primarytopic | Attempt to follow a foaf:primaryTopic relationship |
liblod depends upon libcurl, librdf, libxml2 and liburi.
A copy of liburi is included in the source distribution.