
Twine processor module API


cc flag file … -ltwine library …

#include <libtwine.h>


libtwine provides the API to Twine which is used by loadable processor modules.


libtwine provides the public interfaces listed below:

twine_plugin_registerInvoked by a module in order to perform self-registration
twine_rdf_worldObtain the shared librdf_world instance
twine_rdf_model_createCreate a new librdf_model using the shared librdf_world
twine_rdf_model_parseParse a buffer containing serialised RDF into a librdf_model
twine_sparql_createCreate a new SPARQL connection based upon the Twine configuration settings
twine_sparql_putReplace a named graph with the N-Triples in the supplied buffer using a SPARQL datastore PUT operation
twine_sparql_put_streamReplace a named graph with the contents of a librdf_stream using a SPARQL datastore PUT operation
twine_logfLog an event using the configured logging mechanism
twine_vlogfLog an event (passing a va_args) using the configured logging mechanism
twine_config_getCopy a configuration value into the supplied buffer
twine_config_getaDuplicate a configuration value and return it
twine_config_get_intReturn the integer value of a configuration value
twine_config_get_boolReturn the integer value of a configuration value
twine_config_get_allInvoke a callback function for each configuration value matching given criteria